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Our Unity with Christ

A Series by Robert Jackson

The Spirit searches all things – even the deep things of Christ.– 1 Corinthians 2:10b

This is a seven part study series which delves into some profound truths concerning our standing in Christ. It is my hope that these studies will help to deepen the convictions of anyone who happens upon my web site. The overarching theme of these studies is that

Disciples of Christ are one with Christ.

In his ministry, Paul was continually threatened by people who sought to add requirements to the gospel, as if the cross were not enough to save us (see, for instance, Galatians 3:2-3). Paul's response to this challenge was not to warn his churches or to confront his enemies. He simply lifted Christ higher. If his churches could understand the supremacy of Christ, they would never listen to the legalists - they would know that Jesus was enough.

These studies focus on five different aspects of the uniqueness of Christ, not as a mere intellectual exercise, but in order to utterly convince us that Jesus is enough – that we need nothing in addition to Him, because the cross must stand alone, or else it will not stand at all. I will argue in these studies that Christ's body and His flesh are sacred and powerful, and that, as disciples, we partake of His flesh in a profound way. I will also argue that His power and authority rise to the highest heavens, and that this is the power available to us. This is because, as disciples, our oneness with Christ runs far deeper than most of us imagine.

I would recommend printing out the studies and doing them for your quiet times, and really looking up all the verses that are referred to, instead of just taking my word for it. Each study is intended to be done in order; each study tends to build on what has gone before. Since there are seven studies, it would be possible to do one a day and have a week's worth of quiet times.

The studies tend to assume that you're pretty familiar with the New Testament – its authors, teachings and events, especially in regard to the Gospels. However, whether you are or are not, I expect that for most readers these studies will delve into new waters, so I recommend going through them carefully and striving to understand the flow of the arguments. There are some things in these studies which I guess you could classify as "my opinion", but I'll do my best to stay on the straight and narrow.

I hope that you enjoy these studies, and that they help you to read the Scriptures in new and exciting ways.

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